May 12, 2022
GRI Renewable Industries publishes its sustainability report for the financial year 2021
- The Report reflects the company’s culture and how it integrates sustainability under an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) approach in all business areas.
- It maintains a stable workforce (97% of employees with permanent contracts) and local employment (98%). In terms of health and safety, thanks to training and the various initiatives implemented, occupational accidents with and without sick leave have been reduced.
- It is rated B by CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for its level of public reporting and its management of climate change.
Madrid, 12th May 2021. GRI Renewable Industries publishes its eighth Sustainability Report for the financial year 2021 with the aim of presenting its Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance to its stakeholders in a balanced and transparent manner.
This new Report was produced in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Global Reporting Initiative standard, the result of the Materiality Study and the commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.
GRI Renewable Industries operates through 16 factories (9 towers, 6 flanges and 1 casting) in 8 countries, employing more than 4,400 professionals.
In this financial year, turnover amounted to 822 million euros, with a total of 89 million euros in CAPEX.
Following the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, it initiated a new roadmap aligned with the 2030 Agenda that helps to achieve them, particularly those related to its core business, the manufacture of components for the wind industry.
These include those related to: tackling climate change (SDG 7 and SDG 13); energy efficiency and innovation (SDG 9 and SDG 12); and education and stable employment (SDG 4 and SDG 8).
The following is a summary of the most important information in the report, arranged according to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria.
Environment (ASG):
In the environmental dimension, GRI Renewable Industries’ commitment to climate change, which is embodied in the “Carbon Neutral 2030/50 Plan” with a new roadmap that will enable it to achieve zero net emissions by 2050, in accordance with the criteria established by the SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative).
With this plan, it is committed to consuming 100% of its electricity from renewable sources and reducing 50% of fossil fuel emissions by 2030. To this end, it will develop photovoltaic solar self-consumption projects in factories, contracts for the purchase of energy from renewable sources, energy efficiency measures and the substitution of fuels with new energy vectors.
In addition, the “one tower one tree” project continues. In 2021, more than 1,800 trees were planted, which are estimated to offset 11.4 tonnes of CO2/year.
GRI Renewable Industries is aware of the need to preserve natural resources. Therefore, through the use of its main raw material, steel, and its recyclability, it contributes to the “Circular Economy”.
In 2021 it obtained a B rating from the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) for its level of public information and its management of climate change. It also verifies its carbon footprint under the UNE-ISO 14064-1:2012 standard at its offices in Madrid and factories in Turkey, Brazil, Iraeta, Galicia and Seville.
Social Security (ASG):
It collects the most relevant information related to people, health and safety, customers, suppliers and social action.
The workforce is made up of 4,430 professionals (4,121 own employees and 309 external collaborators). Job stability is a priority for the company, 97% of employees have permanent contracts.
In Health and Safety, thanks to training and the various initiatives implemented, occupational accidents with and without sick leave have been reduced. There has been a significant improvement through the implementation of the IPRL “Occupational Risk Prevention Index” model of excellence, which defines common health and safety criteria applicable to all the facilities and which exceed the legal provisions applicable in each of the countries in which it operates. There are currently six production centres with “excellent performance” cataloguing in Health and Safety, with the incorporation this year of GRI Towers Galicia.
In line with Sustainable Development Goal 9.4, it seeks innovative solutions in line with current economic and environmental challenges. Of particular note are the R&D Centres in Turkey, where it is developing ad-hoc projects for production, and the one in Seville, in the final phase of construction (scheduled to be completed by July 2022).
As part of the digitalisation processes, the “Digital WorkPlace” project was consolidated, making it possible to maintain the connectivity of the company’s professionals and external personnel in the situation arising from the pandemic. In addition, the new Digital WorkPlace Plan 2022-2024 was defined.
Regarding the supply chain, it is working on increasing sustainability requirements. In 2021, the total number of qualified suppliers was increased to 431 and 45 audits were carried out by the purchasing, plant and corporate teams.
GRI Renewable Industries contributes to the creation of value in the local economy. In addition, it developed various social action initiatives and partnerships with foundations and organisations at both corporate and local level.
Government (ASG):
GRI Renewable Industries continues to make progress in approving compliance policies and procedures, with new training proposals for all group employees and improving communication and management of the Ethics Channel.
This year the Board of Directors approved the new Sustainability Policy aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, new policies were approved for: conflict of interest management, insider trading and intellectual property management.
To reinforce the Carbon Neutral commitment, a new governance model is established, consisting of a Carbon Neutral Committee and a Carbon Neutral Task Force, which ensures the group-wide transversality of the Carbon Neutral Plan.
About GRI Renewable Industries
GRI Renewable Industries (www.gri.com.es) was founded in 2008 as the wind energy industrial division of Corporación Acek’s holding company. As part of this multinational and under the umbrella of Gonvarri Steel Industries, it manufactures towers and flanges for the wind energy sector. It currently has 16 plants manufacturing towers, wind flanges and foundry products in Spain, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, China, Turkey, India and South Africa, supplying high quality towers and flanges for the manufacture of wind turbines all over the world.