June 7, 2018
The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) has granted financing to GRI Renewable Industries, S.L for the development of the “ROCKET” R & D project.
The “ROCKET” project is focused on the development of new disruptive structural design solutions based on a new concept of systems that are joined to a central body that allow to obtain a reduction of the dimensions of the structure while maintaining the height of the tower, resulting in the achievement of significant advantages. This structural solution allows a significant reduction in the use of raw materials, manufacturing costs, logistics and assembly, having the capacity to design towers ranging from 140 to 200 meter of bushing, in accordance with the last generation of wind turbines. It also allows the execution “on site” in a modular manner. All this translates into greater productive flexibility, a reduction in the execution times in the work and, therefore, a reduction in the execution costs of the entire structure.