July 27, 2017
GRI Renewable Industries publishes its Sustainability Report concerning the exercise 2016
Madrid, July 26, 2017. GRI Renewable Industries publishes its third Sustainability Report concerning the 2016 exercise aiming to submit, in a balanced and transparent way, the financial, environmental and social results to its stakeholders.
The Economic dimension shows once again a sustainable growth, as the financial results reflect, with 401 million euros turnover and 72.6 million euros CAPEX investment, figures that allow facing new challenges.
GRI Renewable Industries is a worldwide reference provider in the World, with plants located in Brazil, the USA, India, South Africa, China, Spain and Turkey.
During 2016, it increased its presence in the market with two new facilities: GRI Towers USA and GRI Castings Zestoa. Likewise, the construction of three new facilities begun during the past year: Seville, India and China.
In addition, seeks to face worldwide social challenges through innovation and the development of new products that contribute to reduce CO2 emissions and fight against climate change. In this field, the installation of the first hybrid tower at Rondavino Park (Becerril-Palencia) is the main project of the company, showing the viability and efficiency of this sort of installations.
All information related to people, health & safety and social matters are gathered in the Social dimension.
Regarding professional, the workforce is composed by 3,357 employees, mainly men (88%).
In 2016, 147,067 training hours were taught, an average of 43.8 training hours per employee.
2016 has improved Health & Safety thanks to the implementation of the new IPRL excellence model, which defines the common health & safety criteria applicable in all installations and which criteria exceed the legal dispositions applicable in each country where the group operates at.
GRI Renewable Industries contributes to the value creation in local economies through different scopes, amongst which stand out: the creation of stable employment (83% are permanent employed) and of local precedence (86% are local workers), the expenses in local providers’ amounts up to 78% of the total expense. The taxes and contributions amount up to 28,236 thousand euros. All this requires a Distributed Economic Value of 434,919 thousand euros.
In addition, the company developed social action initiatives and collaborations with foundations and organization both at corporate and local levels, underlining the ones carried out in South Africa.
Attending the Environmental dimension, GRI Renewable Industries is aware of the need of preserving nature resources. For such purpose, the company bases its business on steel as raw material, contributing to the Circular Economy.
- ODS 7.3: double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030
- ODS 13.2: work in favor of measures against climate change
In this context and as part of the objective of planting a tree per each tower produced during the past exercise, we can highlight the reforestations taken in Galicia and Ávila, in which professionals of GRI Towers Galicia and the corporate offices in Madrid took part, planting 1,250 shrub species.
Sobre GRI Renewable Industries
GRI Renewable Industries (www.gri.com.es/en) was formed in 2008 and is the industrial wind division of Corporación Acek holding. As part of this multinational and under the Gonvarri Steel Industries umbrella, develops its wind towers and flanges manufacturing activity in the wind energy sector. Currently, it counts with 12 manufacturing plants in Spain, the USA, Brazil, China, Turkey, India and South Africa that manufacture and supply high quality wind towers and flanges to the wind energy industry worldwide. GRI Renewable Industries ended the 2016 fiscal year with sales over 400 million euros and about 3,400 employees.